Winnie's Journey
Every once in a while, Nature throws a monkey wrench your way. Winnie was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around her front leg and the end of the leg was necrotic. She was healthy and feisty. Without any help from me or any other human intervention, she fought with 7 other siblings to get to the milk bar and She Thrived. At about 4 wks, she was walking and playing just as her littermates were, however, because her front leg was a little stump half the size of her normal leg it became necrotic and infected and it was surgically removed. Winnie went through surgery with flying colors and came home that evening to recover. Winnie never missed a meal, and while she was recovering, she became best friends with our Nurse Diana. You will see many Winnie photos with Diana. T
oday, she is the official Angelcare Greeter. Winnie will probably never compete in Agility or IPO work as I am concerned that the good leg might break down if forced to bare the physical demands of repetitive jumping required for these sports. Her temperament is SUPERB and if she had 4 normal legs, she most definitely would be the Pick of the Litter. It is for this reason,that I decided to breed her to another Fantastic, strong working dog out of many generations of very strong, consistent working dobermans. I AM HOPEFUL that another Winnie with 4 legs will bless my Doberman Gang.