We would like to offer Free Daycare to essential workers for the month of April.
Current employment in an essential industry must be verifiable and reservations must be made ahead of time.
Please call at 262-886-8728 or message us on either Pet Resort or Hospital Facebook pages.
With playful socialization, mental and physical stimulation, and curbing bad behavioral habits, your dog will go home after every session happier and healthier.
Angelcare is taking additional precautionary measures within both of our locations to keep everyone safe.
Clients are being asked to remain in their car and
call 262-886-8728 for the Resort when they arrive.
Our staff will discuss their needs by phone and a care professional will come to the parking lot to bring their pet into the building.
Please call us today at (262) 886-8728 to set up a reservation along with proper identification.
Angelcare Animal Hospital- We treat your pet's Mind, Body & Soul
(262) 886-3337